Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)


John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.

I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.

With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.

I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.

If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.

I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.

I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.

Thank you
Darragh Sherwin

General 1851 topics

Say a little about yourself and the fish you keep.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
by Basil (Dennis Butcher)
01 Jun 2021 19:47
A revised section for members to post photographs of themselves, don't be shy - please join in and post your picture.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

News 704 topics

News - Any news ? Please share it with us ! :-)

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
Anything in relation to Nature Conservation - pls post here.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Angling 62 topics

A new section (experimental for now) for any Members who fish for/as well as keep fish.
Let's have your fishing tales - yes, even "the one which got away" - and pictures.
It must be stressed though, that this isn't to become a Fishing Forum, we still are predominantly a Fish-Keeping Forum...but let's give it a go to see how it progresses.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Member Profile 43 topics

Enter your Profile here, this can be a resource for each and every Forum member, but not compulsory, to tell the rest of us something about themselves. For example, some personal (no, not that personal) information and some details of their fishy preferences, including details of both their tank(s) and fish kept. Members will be able to amend and update their profile as often or as rarely as they choose. As ever - photos (within reason) are encouraged.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
A section for questions and answers with regard to the vexed (and often confusing) subject of Safety - be it Electricicty or any other issue - where it pertains to our hobby.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Forum News 523 topics


Competitions 184 topics

Photo Competition and other Competitions

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
Announcements re. the Forum

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
Suggestions, Articles, ideas for the website

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
JohnH (John)'s Avatar
Re: PM,s
by JohnH (John)
12 Feb 2018 12:10

Tropical Aquariums 7230 topics


Beginners Haven 992 topics

For beginners, ask here about problems setting up your tank, adding fish, water changes, etc.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
Questions about Freshwater Tropical Fish

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Foods and Feeding 147 topics

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Tropical Plants 799 topics

Aquatic plants for tropical tanks

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
Breeding freshwater tropicals

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Water and Health 1085 topics

Tropical freshwater chemistry and fish health

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Tropical Misc 573 topics

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
RosieJoe (Ronan K)'s Avatar
Re: My fish
by RosieJoe (Ronan K)
07 Dec 2020 10:55

Cichlids 930 topics

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Discus 282 topics

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Catfish 259 topics

From Synodontis to L number Plecos.

Livebearers 65 topics

Guppies/Mollies and other livebearers.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
A section for those interested in small aquaria, please confine posts to this section which apply to such tanks.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Killifish 21 topics

This section is for anything to do with Killies - from the egg through to the fish...be they African, South American or even European Killies.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Coldwater Aquariums 259 topics


Coldwater Fish 259 topics

Fresh and salt coldwater fish

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Marine Aquariums 980 topics


Marine Fish 279 topics

Saltwater tropical fish

Water and Health 162 topics

Water chemistry issues and fish health in marine tanks

Marine Misc 240 topics

Marine Equipment 179 topics

Equipment for marine tanks

All you need to know about marine corals + Inverts

Native Marines 10 topics

A sub-section devoted to all aspects of Native Marine Aquaria, please only use this for the intended purpose.

Equipment 1797 topics


Product Reviews 138 topics

So what is the best lighting equipment, which is the most reliable pump......This is the place to ask and share your experiences

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
The essential equipment for a tank

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Misc 285 topics

Other equipment, fluidized bed filters, etc

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
Need to know how to reseal a tank or how to build your own tank?
Don't know the volume of water a tank holds?
Well, ask the question here.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

D.I.Y 351 topics

Anything from making your own stands to filters and lighting units.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
by Debrush (Shane Lavelle)
23 Apr 2020 19:51

Buy, Sell and Swap 30 topics

Only users who have been members for one month (28 days minimum) will be allowed to create new topics and post in this section.

For Sale 11 topics

PRIVATE SALES ONLY. Fish or fish keeping related items only.
New posts require moderation.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Wanted 16 topics

Only post items you want to buy

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
Dihanio (Paulie Hanlon)'s Avatar
Cherry Shrimp
by Dihanio (Paulie Hanlon)
05 Oct 2021 13:17

Swap 3 topics

For Swap only - Post here

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
RosieJoe (Ronan K)'s Avatar
T5 Colour Bulb
by RosieJoe (Ronan K)
21 Oct 2019 13:13

Photo and Video 1669 topics


Photographs 1100 topics

Photographs of Fish and Tanks

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Fish videos 569 topics

Post links to your fish/tank videos. It is recommended that you first upload your video to something like Youtube then post the link from it into this section.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Clubs 139 topics


I.T.F.S 139 topics

Irish Tropical Fish Society - Based in Dublin

Sponsor Section 946 topics


PetCo 11 topics

All you need to know about new arrivals and products
Long Mile Road, Dublin.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)

Aquatic Village 384 topics

All you need to know about new arrivals and products in Brittas - Tel (01) 458 25 22

JohnH (John)'s Avatar
From Aquatic Village
by JohnH (John)
25 Nov 2019 13:07
Turnpike Road,Ballymount,Dublin 22 - Ph (01) 4595650 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Posey Row,
Malahide Road,
Dublin 17.
Contact Aiden at (01)8169900
or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
JohnH (John)'s Avatar
Re: Insects.
by JohnH (John)
30 May 2011 09:24
Unit 2B, Westend Retail Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 - 01 820 64 74

D&M Petshop 13 topics

Located in Ballycannon, Croagh Co. Limerick - Contact Tom at 069-64084 087-7753148 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Corrabally, Ardfield, Clonakilty, Co.Cork. Ph. John 023-8857298 or Mob 086-4059497 or "Contact Us" on www.westerngreen.ie

Contact Kevin,Unit 14,Castletroy Shopping Centre,Limerick, 061 337849

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
New Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22, Tel:01 4592013, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Petmania 16 topics

Other Sponsors 2 topics

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
JohnH (John)'s Avatar
Re: Maxi zoo Clare hall
by JohnH (John)
25 Feb 2017 22:09
Ireland's National Aquarium - Galway - Ph 091 585 100. Now includes Home Aquariums - a retail shop for Fish Keepers - ph 091 584040. Address: Galway Atlantaquaria, Salthill, Galway.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Social and Rubbish 584 topics

This is the forum rubbish bin, anything not related fish or forum related, goes here

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
Need a job
by Aldrin (Aldrin Martin)
13 Sep 2017 18:02

Moderators: ClownFish (Julie L)
iain54 (Iain Minchin)'s Avatar
Grrr I'm angry
by iain54 (Iain Minchin)
26 Mar 2017 14:40
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