Retirement and forum shutdown (17 Jan 2022)
John Howell who has managed the forum for years is getting on and wishes to retire from the role of managing it.
Over the years, he has managed the forum through good days and bad days and he has always been fair.
He has managed to bring his passion for fish keeping to the forum and keep it going for so long.
I wish to thank John for his hard work in keeping the forum going.
With John wishing to "retire" from the role of managing the forum and the forum receiving very little traffic, I think we must agree that forum has come to a natural conclusion and it's time to put it to rest.
I am proposing that the forum be made read-only from March 2022 onwards and that no new users or content be created. The website is still registered for several more years, so the content will still be accessible but no new topics or replies will be allowed.
If there is interest from the ITFS or other fish keeping clubs, we may redirect traffic to them or to a Facebook group but will not actively manage it.
I'd like to thank everyone over the years who helped with forum, posted a reply, started a new topic, ask a question and helped a newbie in fish keeping. And thank you to the sponsors who helped us along the away. Hopefully it made the hobby stronger.
I'd especially like to thank John Howell and Valerie Rousseau for all of their contributions, without them the forum would have never been has successful.
Thank you
Darragh Sherwin
killi fish eggs
- john gannon (John Gannon)
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Maybe a long shot but lookin for
killifish eggs that might be ready to hatch the middle of next month. We are goin to attempt to hatch them at next months meeting and then members can take then home and raise tgem and possible do a table show a couple of months later with them.
species is unimportant hatch time moreso.
im willing to pay for eggs and postage if it helps.
Let us know what you might have
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- igmillichip (ian millichip)
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Irish Tropical Fish Society (ITFS) Member.
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- robert (robert carter)
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- killikid (donald carson)
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- john gannon (John Gannon)
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the eggs ive got and got coming are as follows
fundulopanchex sjoestedti nigerdelta hatsh date june.
nothobranchius guntheri hatch date about july.
hypso.virgulatus hatch date june.
Don aka killikid has promised to send me some fp. scheeli@ chrom biv funge.not sure of hatch date.
hopefully we get some to hatch at next meeting but if not we can always try the month after.
big thanks to killikid for the promise of eggs.
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- wildlifebiology93 (Sean O'Sullivan)
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I have Nothobranchius patrizii Msumalini Creek K-96-23 eggs due to wet around the 10th of next month.
They were purchased from a bka member so not my own breeding attempts but i have had a good hatch rate and fry within 20 minutes of wetting from eggs of other species bought from this person.
You are welcome to them in the name of science

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- john gannon (John Gannon)
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Thats brilliant ill pm you my address if you could stick them in the post.
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- wildlifebiology93 (Sean O'Sullivan)
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- Eric (Eric Corcoran)
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Would swap for some annual eggs (anything bar n. guentheri ) had them already.
If no one has eggs ill happily donate them to someone
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- john gannon (John Gannon)
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Come along if you can everybody is welcome
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- Andrew (Andrew Taaffe)
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I have a breeding/raising tank in the attic you can use. 5 bays with sponges and powerhead at end bay feeding into tubing with taps that can spray or drip water into each bay. I found it very good in the past for separating males females and offspring - handy for endlers
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- john gannon (John Gannon)
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- robert (robert carter)
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- Andrew (Andrew Taaffe)
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John - plans are being made
As you know we can guide along the way - there's lots of experience in the club
ITFS Club Secretary
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- john gannon (John Gannon)
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i was wondering what your taughts would be on best possible container for our sttempt to hatch bearing in mind it have to be transported home laterp
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- fishmad1234 (Craig Coyle)
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at the end of the day it becomes nite
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- john gannon (John Gannon)
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- fishmad1234 (Craig Coyle)
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at the end of the day it becomes nite
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- igmillichip (ian millichip)
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i was wondering what your taughts would be on best possible container for our sttempt to hatch bearing in mind it have to be transported home laterp
I would go with Kilner Jars.
Bring extra cling-film as a double seal for transport.
But a Show Tank usually a good tight fitting lid to avoid spills..........again use cling film for double seal on transport.
Irish Tropical Fish Society (ITFS) Member.
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- john gannon (John Gannon)
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i seen in your vid you use water from a betta breeding tank do you think any mature water is good.
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- igmillichip (ian millichip)
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great i seen them very vheaply in ikea and have to go there tommorow.
i seen in your vid you use water from a betta breeding tank do you think any mature water is good.
If the mature water is free of disease (especailly free of velvet) and good enough for quality Bettas then any will do.
For some Killies it matter little, but for some I find that mature water that has been "llived in" is the best.
Apart from Betta water, the other water I would use would be West African acidic cichlid water as that has to be tip-top.
Irish Tropical Fish Society (ITFS) Member.
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- fishmad1234 (Craig Coyle)
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at the end of the day it becomes nite
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- fishmad1234 (Craig Coyle)
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I have been watching videos of people hatching killies and these mini turkey basters seem to be very helpful for taking the killies out of the hatching container
Will I bring them along to the meeting in sure there will be enough for everybody in the audience lol
at the end of the day it becomes nite
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- john gannon (John Gannon)
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on another note i dont think my micro worms are workin out so will have to get another culture.
i also got jars for hatching and transporting
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- wildlifebiology93 (Sean O'Sullivan)
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- john gannon (John Gannon)
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- wildlifebiology93 (Sean O'Sullivan)
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- robert (robert carter)
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- wildlifebiology93 (Sean O'Sullivan)
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- robert (robert carter)
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